Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation

This grant program provides grants to public water systems in small and underserved/disadvantaged communities that are unable to finance activities needed to comply with drinking water regulations. IIJA prioritizes the funding to focus on small and disadvantaged communities in addressing emerging contaminants, including PFAS.

Eligible Uses

Projects eligible for assistance include efforts that benefit small and disadvantaged communities in testing and remediating emerging contaminants, including PFAS, including water filtration. "Disadvantaged Community” is one determined by the state to be disadvantaged under the affordability criteria established by the state under its authorities in the Safe Drinking Water Act, or may become a disadvantaged community as a result of carrying out a project or activity.“Small Community” is one that has a population 10,000 of fewer individuals and lacks the capacity to incur debt sufficient to finance a project to comply with the SDWA.

Program Details

Funding Amount:
Responsible Agency/Bureau:
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Funding Recipients:
States initially receive funding, then provide funds through grants to water utilities and other eligible entities in small and/or underserved/disadvantaged communities. Tribes and territories are also eligible to receive funds under this program.
Estimated Application Deadline:
Period of Eligibility:
Available Until Expended

WV Infrastructure Hub

Syncing the Mountain State with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

Contact: Gehan Elsayed, P.E., Ph.D.
Chief Engineer on Programs & Performance Management
Deputy State Highway Engineer
West Virginia Division of Highways

This website resource is a joint-effort and sharing of information

By providing these resources, we do not claim to provide legal, health, or financial advice. The content of this website is to help West Virginians respond to opportunities and inform decision-making; it is not a substitute for obtaining legal or financial advice.