Battery and Critical Mineral Recycling

To award grants for research, development, and demonstration projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of batteries.

Eligible Uses

Research, development, and demonstration to address:

  1. Recycling activities
  2. The development of methods to promote the design and production of batteries that take into full account and facilitate the dismantling, reuse, recovery, and recycling of battery components and materials.
  3. Strategies to increase consumer acceptance of, and participation in, the recycling of batteries.
  4. The extraction or recovery of critical minerals from batteries that are recycled.
  5. The integration of increased quantities of recycled critical minerals in batteries and other products to develop markets for recycled battery materials and critical minerals.
  6. Safe disposal of waste materials and components recovered during the recycling process.
  7. The protection of the health and safety of all persons involved in, or in proximity to, recycling and reprocessing activities, including communities located near recycling and materials reprocessing facilities.
  8. Mitigation of environmental impacts that arise from recycling batteries, including disposal of toxic reagents and byproducts related to recycling processes.
  9. Protection of data privacy associated with collected covered battery-containing products.
  10. The optimization of the value of material derived from recycling batteries.
  11. The cost-effectiveness and benefits of the reuse and recycling of batteries and critical minerals.

Program Details

Funding Amount:
Responsible Agency/Bureau:
Department of Energy - Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Funding Recipients:
Institutions of Higher Education, National Laboratories, Federal and State Research Agencies, Nonprofit Organizations Industrial Entities, Manufacturing Entities, Private Battery-Collections
Estimated Application Deadline:
4th Quarter 2022
Period of Eligibility:
Available Until Expended


WV Infrastructure Hub

Syncing the Mountain State with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

Contact: Gehan Elsayed, P.E., Ph.D.
Chief Engineer on Programs & Performance Management
Deputy State Highway Engineer
West Virginia Division of Highways

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